It seems like there are a thousand ways to do this and most are fine.. But just curious how everyone else did it!

Lo is almost 6 mo and we started solids 2 weeks ago. We are doing blw so she has had avocado slices, sweet potato "fries", cooked carrot strips, oatmeal with mashed banana (I loaded the spoon for her and let her feed herself and she did great!), and raw pear slices. So far I've just been offering stuff once in the mornings, but not every day if it's a busy day. I wait 2-3 days between new foods. I am slightly concerned about allergies bc she is mspi and seemed to have an intolerance to the sweet potatoes.

I guess I'm just curious about how long ppl do simple foods and when we start giving parts if their own meals. And when ppl started doing more than 1 meal/day.