So, DS is turning 3 in August and we are looking at preschools for a couple days a week to help with socialization and his speech. DH is a stay-at-home dad to him and DD who is 5 months and the kiddos who go to day care are out talking DS like woooah. This will also give DH a break as well which will help his sanity.

So, I have so much anxiety over this. DS has never been "away from home." I'm totally that anxious mom in general, then add in some postpartum anxiety on top of that = the worst. But, I'm having all the feelings with sending to preschool now - most of which I think are completely normal and I'm trying to keep that in check. But I work in mental health with kids that have been sexually abused and I think this combined with some recent news articles are making me lose my mind. I keep thinking about him getting hurt, or abused, or not fitting in socially and it makes my stomach churn. I'm combating this with thinking of all the positives!

So, please, tell me I'm being ridiculous. Did anyone have similar concerns? We have a tour of one of our top choices next week so I'm hoping going in and talking, meeting staff, and asking my 500 questions will help ease my mind!