We sold our house at the end of April and ended up moving in with my parents while we look for a new one. Meanwhile, our cat has been staying with my brother right next door.

Out cat has been 100% indoor since we adopted her about a year ago and we've never had any issue. My brother has a medium size outdoor dog who was indoor/outdoor all the way up until the cat had been there for maybe 2 weeks.

So now we are dealing with a flea infestation. I've been spraying the cat weekly, using drops between her shoulders + a flea collar. We have evacuated and bug bombed his house and STILL there are fleas.

We close on our new home next Friday, June 7th. We have a grooming appointment for the cat next Wednesday June 5th. I don't really want her to go back to my brothers house after that because I don't want to deal with fleas in my new home.

I have three options:
1) I can ask my MIL if the cat can stay with her after the appointment, Wednesday to Friday.

2) I can bomb my brothers house again while the cat is at her appointment and hope the best.

3) I can board her somewhere?

My mom is absolutely not going to let the cat stay with us those few days. So WWYD? Any thing I haven't thought of?