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"The Mother 'Hood"-- Similac's take on mommy wars

  1. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @cookiemomster: I think that's the point. People (BF pushers in particular) need to see/hear stories like yours. By pushing an agenda that simply doesn't work for all women, they are potentially doing real damage to women! Making women feel the way you have is not ok.

  2. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @cookiemomster: that's horrible that you had to go through that (and i can't believe your friend isn't talking to you! some friend.). in my hospital, they pushed BF hardcore (they are a "baby friendly" certified hospital, so all of the nurses have X hours of lactation training). in one of our childbirth classes, the nurse kept calling formula "synthetic milk," making it sound inferior to BF. even though I planned to nurse, it drove me NUTS.

  3. cookiemomster

    kiwi / 714 posts

    @HabesBabe: yeah, my pediatrician is amazing and rolls his eyes at our local hospital- apparently when he does the newborn rounds LC's make sure to let him know they've informed his patients of the "dangers" of formula and it infuriates him. The baby friendly stuff drives me batty. Being FED is what's friendliest for babies, be that breast milk or formula. I wish they'd be more mommy friendly.

    @littlebug @babypenguinxo @swurlygurl thanks for making me feel better about my rant =) I feel like a broken record but I want to make sure people know there's not always a CHOICE on the feeding issue.

  4. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    I thought the ad was funny, in a very exaggerated sense - and that's the purpose right? I just wish everyone could be more supportive of each other (luckily HB is pretty awesome about that!), which I think is the point of the ad. I could care less what my child's friends eat - but the battle will wage on.... that's what makes the world go round.

    I have no strong feelings about Similac so I can't speak to that. All I know is that they have mailed me a crap load of samples, which I appreciated when I had to add extra calories to LO's milk when he was in the NICU/needing to pack on the pounds. Now that I don't need them anymore, I'm happy they have allowed me to make many generous donations to the local food bank to help those who need it.

  5. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @ShootingStar: I didn't even know until seeing this video that you're supposed to use a carrier OR a stroller. Supposedly.

  6. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @spaniellove: You can only be one thing. Pick. Now!

  7. Honeydew

    kiwi / 568 posts

    This video has a great message. We are all Moms at the end of the day. It does not matter how you rear, feed, diaper, work, or stay at home. All of these are options that each family make to have a healthy happy child.

    @cookiemonster- I was in the same boat as you and felt extremely "bullied" because I wasn't a EBF mom. My son would have been in the NICU much longer had I had to feed him from the breast. Since then I feel an enormous amount of guilt because former friends rallied the cry of "breast is best".

  8. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @cookiemomster: I'm so sorry. I'm a fellow low supply mom and I know it sucks.

    I'm thankful for formula. It helped my baby grow. No issues with this. It's an excellent marketing campaign. If breastfeeding advocates are mad, they should up their game.

  9. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    This actually made me tear up. Maybe being a mom who does things a bit differently, I always feel judged. I had a long cry a few months ago after the realization that some of my closest friends probably think I'm an idiot ... "I wouldn't do a home birth, because any crazy person could just say they are a midwife!" - Really, you think moms just go with any person off the street? It was so insulting ... But, it was totally dolphin assisted!

    And others who will say "breast is best!" to my face after we struggled so bad with all of that, and decided on formula.

    So yeah, I don't know ... Sometimes I feel like just checking off the internet for good. Previous posters were spot on when saying this doesn't seem like a real life thing, mainly an internet thing. While I do love connecting with like minded parents, I often find that I learn the most from people who aren't like me.

    Parenting is humbling, and this ad was a reminder of that.

  10. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @daniellemybelle: Echoing this! I wish I could have EBF, because I loved it. But, I am so thankful for formula!!!! My LO is vibrant and healthy.


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