Hellobee Boards


Those of you with willful/challenging toddlers

  1. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @looch: haha well this is a whole other topic but since LO is such a willful/spirited child our daycare actually does everything possible to get him to nap longer. Not that they can really control it but they've told me how they rub his forehead, etc. on purpose when they see he is waking. I know it's because they want a break from him because they've admitted it to me and we get weekly calls basically complaining about his behavior.

  2. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @caterw: I'm sure that tiring him out like that would help, but we are so exhausted from sleep deprivation that we just don't have the energy. He gets a lot of action at daycare but he must be like your LO and not need as much sleep.

  3. sotofamilia

    kiwi / 612 posts

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but with the clock, has he ever been able to make it until it turns green? When we first got ours, the advice I got was to set it a little earlier than when my LO got up, so when he woke up, it was green and he got that reinforcement. Then over a few weeks, gradually set it back two or three minutes at a time until it was at the time I felt was reasonable for him to get up.

    Unfortunately, the clock didn't work for us, but that seemed like good advice so it wasn't like he was waking up at 5:00 and then all of sudden being expected to wait at 6:30.

    I also agree that kids can definitely need the nap at daycare, but not need it at home. I know when my 3.5 year old naps at home, it pushes bedtime back from 7pm to 9:30pm. So he's still getting the same amount of sleep, just moved around.

    Anyway, I don't know if any of that is helpful, but I'm sorry - it's so tough to be patient and understanding when you're exhausted.

  4. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @Modern Daisy: Also, we also eat dinner late since DH works in restaurants and will never get home before 6 even on an early day- our usual dinner time is between 630-7. I will give DD a cup of milk and maybe some crackers before bed too, which has ended the 2 am crawling into bed and complaining that she wants a yogurt.

  5. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @sotofamilia: he made it once but I think it was a fluke when he just randomly slept a little later. I have not tried setting it earlier than his wake up time but that's a good idea!

  6. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    You have my sympathy. We are going through a similar struggle. E loves her gro clock and has finally come to understand that she mustn't come into our room until the "sun pops up". However, now she gets all of her toys out, litters the landing with them, goes into her baby sister's room and empties out her drawers and trashes the bathroom instead. I woke this morning at 5am to the sound of her jumping on the toilet lid and for a second I thought we had been burgled because of the mess. She then announced proudly that she had done a poo and thrust her plastic floor potty at me with an enormous turd inside.

  7. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Modern Daisy: It sounds like his behaviour is challenging for both you and his caregivers. I agree with others maybe try asking daycare to drop the nap, as much as they would like a break, they may be contributing to the issue. Have you spoken to his pedi about what you are dealing with? A family friend had her son evaluated and they ended up cutting out all red eyes and a couple other foods. His behaviour has changed dramatically since..


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