Did your parents make you a time capsule? Did you make one as a child or maybe in high school?

DH & I have decided to make DD two time capsules, one for her 10th birthday & one for her 18th birthday. We'd like things that are current now so that she can look back & see how things have changed, & some things about us now & her now too of course.

10th Birthday ideas we have so far:

*Picture of mom & dad @ age 10
*Birthday Card for a 10 year old
*Popular toy right now for a 10 year old (one of those hampster things maybe?!)
& that's it! Any ideas for 10 year olds? I figure it will be much easier to impress a 10 year old & we plan to keep the 10 year old capsule pretty basic.

18th Birthday ideas we have so far:

*Silly bandz
*Justin Bieber stickers
*Angry Birds cardgame
*Sports schedules & a shirt from our teams bowl championship
*Manchester United Rooney shirt since DH loves him
*2011 Holiday Barbie
*Time Magazine Annual 2011 Book
*World Records Book
*U.S Weekly or People to see the celebrity gossip
*Vogue or Glamour to see the fashion of 2011/2012
*Sticker from my sorority
*DHs gym cards he fills out
*One of her baby outfits
*A mix cd or if we can find our spare an iPod with music on it & a charger
*Pictures of us all now
*Letter from us, grandparents & great grandparents
*Type up list of population size, natural disasters, diseases, pop culture, etc
*18th birthday card
*A cute shirt that's trendy now
PHEW! Okay so that sounds like a ton but anything big I am forgetting?
I want the 18th birthday one to be amazing! We are not going to dig a hole or have it outside, it'll be in a plastic tote with duct tape around the edges most likely.