... because I have officially met my ultimate pumping goal of one year!!! I am so excited and yet so sad to be weaning. It has been a huge sacrifice but worth every single minute of pumping to be able to provide for my LO. Long gone are the days of pumping every 2 hours, clogged ducts, and mastitis. I've also been on a restricted diet on and off since the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy (gestational diabetes & LO has a wheat and dairy allergy). It will be heavenly to finally eat without any constraint.

Now onto weaning... I don't know how to approach it. Pumping has become part of my life in a way that I never knew was possible, and it's difficult to imagine the day when I can go an entire day without being hooked up to the pump or washing parts. I have spent the last year figuring out how to pump more milk, not less. My fear is not knowing how to properly wean off the pump.

Is it wrong for me to feel guilty for weaning? Yes, I provided a whole year of breast milk for my LO, but I can't get rid of this feeling that maybe I should keep going for a little longer...

Have you weaned off the pump recently? If you are currently pumping, are you looking forward to the day when you can finally put away the pump?