DD is almost 2 years old and it's time to move to a big girl bed. She was crawling out of her crib despite wearing a sleep sack (strictly to restrain her ). We took the side off her crib and threw a spare futon mattress on the floor. Well--she sleeps on the futon mattress every night, so we're going to put the crib and futon mattress away. I ordered a twin bed with railing--help me decide how to do this.
DD has always been a pretty decent sleeper and we used CIO. We've had a few rough nights since the mid-term transition (which I regret--wish she had stayed in the crib until we had a twin). Other nights have gone fine. On bad nights, she will want to rock in the chair, and then she'll want to lay in bed, rinse and repeat. Finally, I'll close the door and let her cry for a few minutes before she goes back to bed and passes out.
Once the new, permanent bed comes, it's time to start enforcing a routine. The normal: bath, PJs, brush teeth, rock/stories, then bed. Probably a story in bed, a kiss and stay.in.bed. I think we will pick her up and take her back to bed each time she gets up. I'm okay with laying with her for a while.
I don't know what to do about the nightlight thing either. She's always slept in pitch-black, but I'm wondering if the new bed freedom calls for a nightlight.
Suggestions? Tips? Bad habits to avoid?