Hi everyone,
I really hope you can help! Lately, my 3-month-old LO has decided it would be adorable to fall asleep at 4p....for 3 hours! His normal bedtime is around 7p, so we usually start getting him into PJs at 6, read and sing a little, nurse at 6:30, in bed around 7. As you can imagine, this new 4p habit does not exactly work with the routine.
He is not a great daytime napper, and he really only naps if I watch him very closely and swaddle him at the first sign of a yawn. And even then, he will only sleep for maybe 40 min. So I get that he's probably really tired by 4p. I don't want to deny him sleep if he's tired, but I'd really rather he not sleep for so long when it's almost time for bed. He sometimes falls asleep in the car seat in the car, but I don't count that as a real nap.
I'm also of the "don't wake a sleeping baby" camp, so I'm at a loss. I've tried treating this first stretch as the first chunk of night sleep and the first wakeup as a middle of the night wakeup. But then the rest of the night is horrible. He sometimes sleeps another 3-hr stretch, but then he's up every hour and doesn't settle down again.
What would you do if your LO did the same thing?