Help! I think I want to wean but am having some MAJOR guilt as I always thought I would let DD lead the process....
DD will be 2 on August 1, and I am 5 weeks along with #2. If they had been closer together, I would have been fine with tandem nursing, but they're not, so...
DD loves her milk, wakes up and that is the first thing she asks for. We have dropped all feedings except for morning/night (and occasionally once during the day on the weekends). But I'm just kind of over it at this point, it hurts due to pregnancy, and I would really like to have my boobs to have a break before #2 comes along in March. That being said, it makes me so sad to think about her not nursing any more... it's so special and it's always gone so great for us, and I just don't know what to do about it. If I do wean, I will wait until after her 2nd birthday. But I don't really know what to do- she is so persistent and LOVES milk so much, I hate to disappoint her and not give it to her (especially because it's comforting, etc.). I know I should be proud of how far we have made it (and I am!! Really and truly!) I just always thought we would stop when she was ready to stop, not me.
I think I'm done rambling now. Any encouragement/advice would be much appreciated!