We switched B (2.5) to a toddler bed last night. We figured since we were already sitting in his room until he fell asleep at night we might as well get it over with. It did not go great. He woke up at 2:30, came into our room (note: buy toddler proof door handle), and when he was ushered back to his room he was was awake until 5. I don't know everything that happened but I know there was crying, chatting, attempts to get out of the room, and playing. When I went in at 4am to relieve my husband the toy bin was tipped over, there were toys everywhere, B was sitting in bed playing with a fire truck, and my husband was lying on the floor under a toddler blanket. I eventually convinced him to lie down and rubbed his back until he fell asleep, but it was a rough night. Anybody have any tips to make the coming nights any smoother? We have a bedtime sticker chart but it doesn't seem to be an incentive, last night he told me "I don't want stickers and prizes".