For about a week now, my 19-month-old son has been throwing up about once a day. It happens when he's eating or right after he's eaten, and at first I thought it was because he wasn't chewing his food or was eating too quickly. Usually he just throws up a bit and then seems normal and hungry again, but for the past couple of days he has thrown up a LOT and cries and seems sad afterward. I can't tell if this is just a phase he's going through. He's been eating well most of his life and hasn't had any issues with gagging/choking before, and we haven't introduced any new foods lately. These are all foods he's successfully eaten in the past.

Has anyone experienced this and it did pass as a phase?

ETA: Oops, I didn't mean to post this in Charting/TTC. I don't know how to change it - sorry!