LO is 1 1/2 year old and for the past few nights he's been fighting bedtime. We've had the same routine since he was 2 months old and he's decided he doesn't like it anymore. I did notice three premolars coming in and I'm wondering if his teething is throwing off his sleep? Our bedtime routine starts at 7 PM and goes like this:

-bath time
-dry off, cuddle time
-read a couple of books
-brush his teeth
-put on his sleep sack

He usually has NO PROBLEM going in his crib and will stay awake in his crib for a while chatting to himself. He sleeps through the night and gets between 10-11 hrs a night. Takes great naps that usually last 2 to 2 1/2 hours.

I've tried giving him teething pills an hour before bedtime and turning off the TV an hour before (though it's never bothered him before). I tried putting him down for bed earlier thinking he needed more sleep and he started WWIII with me.

He used to be such a good sleeper! Please tell me this is just a phase. Help! What do I do?!?!