Our 15 month old is really struggling with sleep. We've had her 6.5 months, and she has never been a good sleeper, but it seemed to be improving slowly for the most part. Due to some changes in her visitation plan with her mom, she seems to be experiencing some stress and anxiety and I think it's manifesting in even worse sleep. Plus she has a cold. And maybe is cutting a molar?
So there are lots of reasons for her to sleep poorly right now. I guess I'm just looking for any suggestions I haven't tried.
She seems to be a pretty low sleep needs kid. She remains pretty happy and active during the day regardless of how poorly she sleeps at night. I think she's also stoic and resilient, and the stress doesn't get to her during the day like it does at night. She's still on 2 naps most days due to visitation schedule, which I have no control over. She usually naps 45 min or so in the morning, around 9:30ish. And then 1-1.5 hours in the afternoon around 2:30. Bedtime is 7 pretty consistently. She goes down in her crib awake and usually is asleep within 10 min with no fussing. Same for naps. But then often by 8:30 she is awake. And 9:30. And 11. And 11:30. And 1. And 2:15. And 3. And 4:30. And 5. etc. Sometimes it's better than that, like 2 wake ups all night. Sometimes it's worse. And occasionally she can sleep through. When she wakes up I let her fuss for a minute, but go in fairly quickly. Sometimes I can get her back to sleep with a sip of water (she needs a lot of water all day every day) and a pat on the back. Other times she won't settle unless I pick her up and then it's basically hopeless trying to get her back in her crib. I usually end up bringing her to bed at that point, where she sometimes will sleep very soundly and other times will toss and turn all night.
It's hard for me because I'm not getting enough sleep, but it's also really hard for her. She's a FTT graduate and still has feeding issues, and she definitely needs her sleep to keep growing!
Any ideas? We can't do extinction CIO, fyi. We also can't co-sleep. She sleeps with stuffed animals and a fuzzy blanket that she likes to snuggle with. She has multiple pacifiers in the crib with her and her water bottle. Some nights she just seems like she can't really settle all night unless she's literally in my arms.