Our LO (28 months) started potty-training about 6 weeks ago, after his teachers repeatedly commented that he showed all readiness signs.

At school, everything is going well: almost never an accident, often chooses when he will use the toilet (as opposed to just going at scheduled times), and is able to do most of the work himself (removing clothes, etc).

But at home, he has many accidents (sometimes almost no successes during the day) and is very resistant to using the toilet. It seems to be a psychological issue rather than a physical one; in particular, he has good bladder control and seems to know when he has to go. I think we've tried most of the standard advice with no noticeable positive effect. (We've tried encouraging frequent potty visits, backing off and letting him decide, having scheduled times, just watching him for signs, making a habit of visiting the bathroom to wash hands even if he doesn't want to sit, putting a potty seat in the room where he is, suggesting we use the potty together, remaining as neutral as possible when wet pants occur).

So we're considering putting him back in diapers. His teachers have strongly recommended against it, given that he's doing great at school and suggesting that this would be very confusing for him. And that he's a kid who needs time to get used to change.

I don't--in theory--disagree with anything his teachers have said and feel like I have mostly just accepted a long potty training experience. But six weeks (with no end in sight) is a long time! We're wearing thin and feeling like we're all stuck in a rut.

I don't have any question I can come up with, but I'd love to hear what others think. Tell me I'm being stupid for trying this long without going back to diapers. Or that we should just stick it out. Or anything else you feel like saying!