LO (13 months old) was a horrendous sleeper until recently. Up many times at night, waking early, erratic naps, etc. He has done much better since his first birthday last month.
During the week, he will often wake early, around 5am and I will nurse him and put him back down. He'll usually sleep for about 2-2.5 more hours. On weekends, he will do the same and then talk/fuss/have conversations with his loveys in his crib for a while.
It's almost 8:30am now and while he's cried out a few times, he's fallen back asleep before I could get out of bed to get him. I know this sounds nuts, coming from a mama who prayed for sleep at any point not all too long ago, but I am now concerned that he's getting too much sleep this morning. He will usually go down for his morning nap at about 10am but that may not happen today.
Part of me is jumping up for joy because he's allowed me to sleep in a bit (!) but the other part of me is kicking myself for not running in there sooner each time he's stirred. Please reassure me that he must need the sleep if he is still resting and that he hasn't fallen asleep out of boredom because I let him fuss for a few minutes!