My 4.5 month old DD has never been a great day time sleeper but nights are alright (usually 1-2 wake ups). She knows how to put herself to sleep, is no longer swaddled and sleeps in a crib at both night and nap time with the occasional carrier or car seat nap.
I have read both Ferber and Healthy Sleep Habits but I am confused and could use some help/suggestions.
Ferber recommends a total of 13 hours of sleep per day with no more than 9-10 hours over night (!) while Weissbluth recommends 14.5 hours of sleep total with about 11 hours over night.
I cannot seem to figure out how to make this work as DD seems tired after 1.5 hrs but only naps for 45 minutes at a time. I have been trying to start with a consistent wake up time of 6:30am and a bedtime of between 8 and 8:30pm. In order to keep to DD's wake time we often end up with 4 or 5 naps while both books recommend only 3 naps per day. I tried reducing her overnight sleep a la Ferber but I didnt see any change in her naps.
Have you had success with either method? How did you work on getting your LO on the schedule? Any advise would be much appreciated, I feel like she will be a happier baby if she is getting decent day time sleep.