M will be starting daycare some time around 2-2.5 months and starting Tuesday my mom will be watching her during the day until she starts.

Currently M is 5 weeks + 3 days and nap time is usually in my arms nursing then another 30minutes on top of that before putting her down. Often my mom will put her down with a bottle. 
I really don't think at daycare they'll rock her for 30 minutes till she falls asleep.

Any tips for weaning her off the rocking and nipple to fall asleep?
I also hate doing it this week bc I'm by myself and I fear getting her into a crying fit where she cries all day long.
Usually I'm the one that puts her down at night but I'm thinking my husband should start too. I don't ask him now bc he's working and I'm not. But I think that will help since I'm the only one putting her down so of course she tends to only fall asleep in my arms.
I never asked my daycare but what does your do to put your newborn down for a nap?