i've read as many threads as i could about the transition and LO has shown that she can definitely do 1 nap well, but some mornings, she's just melting down early on. so this morning i put her down early and she fell right asleep. since i knew it was going to be a two-nap day, i woke her up so her afternoon naptime wouldn't interfere with bedtime.

and now she's been fighting the nap for an hour. which she NEVER does.

so i'm thinking i need to bite the bullet and go to 1 nap a day exclusively, but i'm really wondering what to do about the lull when she starts losing it 2-2.5 hours after she wakes up in the morning (when i would usually put her down for a morning nap). do you go out and do something every day at that time? i was playing with her and she was just whining and crying no matter what we did.

she dropped other naps on her own, so this keeping her up on purpose thing is going to be different!