LO will be 4mo in June and we have a longstanding agreement to fly from PHX to WI at least once a year to visit DH's family. When MIL wanted to fly me out at 6mo pregnant to throw me my 4th baby shower, I declined and deffered to our traditional June visit and they plan to host a sip-n-see type party then. They checked in again about this promised June trip when he was 8 wks old, and we said yes, of course we would be coming.

Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I'm realizing more and more that LO doesn't like to be held or worn very much at all, which is pretty much the basis of all traveling-with-an-infant advice. He'll tolerate it for 20 min or so, but then he starts crying and beating his arms. With uninterrupted walking or bouncing he will usually calm down, and maybe fall asleep for some time, though I have to have the white noise app on my phone turned up loud and tucked into the carrier. He nurses for about 30 min every 2-3 hours, and sometimes falls asleep doing so, but he does not comfort nurse nor can I reliably sooth by nursing, if he is overtired. Some of this may change, but we've only got 2 months. Oh, also, he really dislikes his infant car seat, so that's not an option, and he'll be a lap infant (that's not up for debate).

He loves his activity mat and bouncer. That's like, his favorite thing in the world. I'd honestly even think of packing the activity mat in our carry-on to use it in the airport. Can't pack a bouncer, but DH would be willing to walk & bounce him.

Anyways, I don't think we can back out. Anyone ever do plane travel with an infant who disliked being worn/held? What did you do? Was it as horrible as I think it will be?

ETA: we have a Ktan, Beco Gemini, and an ergo.