TTC #2 since April, although I think we've only had 2 legit shots at it since then (missed fertile window 1x and then one cycle was annovulatory, I think, my cycles are generally a bit long and irregular). I'm struggling with the age gap we're looking at now across LO1 and this hypothetical baby, 4 years now at minimum, and just wondering what the future holds. I know it hasn't been that long but I'm feeling down at the beginning of this cycle, regretting not starting trying sooner, I guess?

I'm having some blood work done by my GP, some standard stuff and then she threw in a hormone panel and vit d for me, so perhaps I'll get more info in case anything is going on.

Anyone out there in this position? Seems like there arent as many of us who are in this positio. TTC #2.