This is my first month of TTC. Initially I thought I would give my body time to regulate itself after coming off BC, but my doc said it was OK to start right way. And honestly I just couldn't handle waiting even more. Finishing the last pill pack was torture in itself. It's like this fever set in and just won't leave!
For us, TTC consists of a plan of BD'ing and just seeing how it goes. I'm not charting yet, and I guess as far as CM I'll make SURE to BD when I notice the telltale "you're O'ing signs". Otherwise, I guess every few days because I know it takes time for his boys to regenerate. The reason I'm not charting yet is because I'm soooo OCD and generally a worry-wart, so I know I would start freaking myself out. I'm going to start this process as relaxed as possible. ALthough so far that's not working cause I"m stressing out over "what if I waited too long" and "what if I get a BPF but it's chemical etc."
AAAA. But I know I can't think like that.
Any other TTC first timers/first cycle? This is exciting!