Someone please commiserate with me!

At almost 21 months the ONLY way we can get DD to eat vegetables is with pouches. I've tried everything: steaming veggies, giving her frozen peas, veggie "sticks" and none of it works. She will occasionally eat avocado, cucumber and red bell peppers, but that's it. I'm feeling particularly guilty because a friend posted an (*ahem* slightly one-sided) article on FB (where most silly guilt comes from these days...) about eating habits forming early with kids, yadda yadda and went on and on about how great her kid eats. I did try to establish good habits and offered a wide variety when she was starting solids, but in the past six months she's quickly narrowed down her list of acceptable foods and I've basically given-up. I'm tired of trying new things only to have it go to waste. Beyond the veggie issue, she's just an incredibly picky eater in general. I know that isn't unusual for a toddler, but geeze it seems like it consumes my mental energy/guilt daily!

I mostly needed to vent, but any advice is welcome of course!