My 2 yo came down with Strep on Tuesday. Monday night was really hard he woke-up every hour crying. Tuesday we went to the doctor and got meds. He took the first dose no problem. Then he slept for a few hours and so did I. My aunt came to help me Tuesday night since DH is out of town all week. I'm 8 months prego so getting very tired and moving slow these days. My aunt went to the grocery store for me which was a huge help. Tuesday night wasn't bad. Wednesday my mom came to watch him during the day so i could go to work. I got home early around 3pm. He had refused to take medicine all day. Looked horrible. She couldn't get him to wash his face or do anything. I tried to put the medicine in milk, I tried bribes with candy, I finally resorted to holding him down and squirting some in his mouth. Which I then in-turn knocked over the entire bottle of meds! I call CVS to get a refill and they won't do it without doctor consent. By this time of day that was too late. Last night I brought him into my bed because he is upstairs and I'm too huge and tired to go up and down the stairs a gazillion times! He peed 3 times in the bed, which then left zero space for this huge prego chick to sleep. So I slept on the couch. He woke-up every hour crying. I finally got some Motrin in him around 3am. My mother-in-law was supposed to arrive at our house around 7:30am. But there was a major wreck on the freeway and she didn't arrive until 9am. By the time she got there I was able to strip the bed and get the wash going, take my shower and start a load of dishes. My LO sat most of the time crying. Refusing to eat, take medicine, take a bath, watch cartoons, etc. I just feel awful that he is so tired, in pain and feeling crummy! My DH was supposed to land at 1pm today but guess what... there is a major thunderstorm and flooding so he can't land. I at least was able to get one dose of medicine in him this morning. And he ate a bag of goldfish. Please lord let this be the turning point! I can't do another night like last night. It breaks my heart and every muscle in my body is sore from all the rocking him to fall back asleep. I just needed to get this off my chest. It's hard sometimes being the wife of a pilot and you're trying to do all of this.