For the last 3-4 years I have random chest pain about 2-3x's a year, I go to the ER, they do an EKG, & its normal. No heart attack & they call it pain from anxiety (even though I'm not anxious at the time). Good news, Right?

In December I had my gallbladder taken out, it can cause heart attack like symptoms (who knew!?). In March I start having pains again & chop it up to be left over gallbladder pains. When I asked my Dr. he said it was impossible because I don't have a Gallbladder anymore (even though my surgeon said it could happen) that it was muscle pain. Today I have the same pains AGAIN while driving into work on a beautiful, sunny, stress free day. I go to the ER again! My blood pressure is high 165/98 (not normally this high, even when I was in extreme pain during my gallbladder complications the highest it got was 135/85) they gave me a Nitro pill & my pain went away. My EKG=normal, ultra sound=normal, xray=normal, lab work=normal. What does all that = ? A stress test tomorrow. Nurse said there was talk about putting me on a beta blocker but they are waiting till after my stress test tomorrow.

I was suppose to meet with my personal trainer today to start working out so I can get healthy. I'm glad they haven't found anything too concerning & I am relieved I finally got someone to listen to me but I'm nervous about the chest pains. My dad died when he was in his early 60's, grandma had a hole in her heart, had high blood pressure, diabetes & died at 72 from a stroke, grandpa had an irregular heart beat & had a pacemaker put in (he lived forever though like 95). I may have a fear of

So needless to say here we go again with all the test. I feel like a hypochondriac sometime. My concerns get put on the back burner & it has to get serious before they even attempt to do much of anything. I just hate how the medical system around here drags things out. It took 3 years to diagnose my IBS! 3 years.

Wow. I feel So much better now that I have that off my chest lol no pun intended. I just pray that I get an answer as to why I'm having random chest pains. Has anyone else experienced this? Could it just be high blood pressure?