So I called my daycare to find out if the director was going to be there tonight (she owns two daycares and alternates between the two of them) and SHE answered the phone!!! Gahhh!!!
So I basically asked if she was going to be there tonight to chat and she said she was but then basically asked what I wanted to meet with her about so I ended up dishing the whole thing. Needless to say, she was UPSET that one of the teachers was feeding Xander without discussing it with me first! She was all "He's YOUR kid, not ours! We need to take direction from you!" She was soooooooooo nice!!!! And she said she would talk to the teachers about reiterate that it's not up to them to make the decisions about when and what to feed the infants and that if they think the child should be getting something they need to run it by the parents first! YAY! And then she talked about what they typically do with regards to introducing solids to the babies and OMG you guys, they PROVIDE THE BABY FOOD!!!! WHAT!!!! So then we agreed to meet tonight to go over how they typically feed the babies and to discuss a potential schedule for Xander. She said everything was customizable about when and what and how much and that they would follow my direction but that they do provide everything!
So that got a little off topic, but I was really happy with the outcome with the conversation! She was definitely not happy to hear what the teacher was doing and is going to address it with them and in addition she and I are going to meet to start coming up with a plan for Xander to eat solids there too, which SHOULD hopefully help with this problem too!