Anyone else here have a uterine anomaly? I have a unicornuate uterus, discovered during the c-section with my daughter and followed up with an HSG. If you do have one, has it affected your TTC attempts or your pregnancy? Prior to my pregnancy with my almost 2-year-old daughter, I had an early miscarriage (naturally) at around 6 weeks. No idea if this had any relation to my anomaly, which I didn’t even know about then. Got pregnant with my daughter not too long after. Didn’t know about the anomaly during the entire pregnancy. Had a c-section at 39 weeks because she was breech. We’ve been TTC number 2 for 5 months and I’m currently going through a likely ectopic but certainly abnormal pregnancy right now (today would be 7 weeks). Just got the methotrexate shot 2 days ago. Again, don’t really know if this had anything to do with my anomaly, though chances of ectopic are slightly higher. I’m nervous about trying again…
Glad to be joining this community! It seems really supportive and lurking has certainly helped me as a new mom and on our journey for a second.