So...some backstory. K is at daycare 5 days a week - she is 2.5 and has been there since she was 4 months. I have a great relationship with the directors. I am 36w pregnant - due Mar 11. When winter started here - they both told me to feel free to call if I needed them to come get K from the car. I said that shouldnt be necessary but thanked them.
Not long after that - they sent out a notice to all parents regarding handicap spots. There are 5 spaces right out front for drop off/pick up - there are also 2 handicap spaces. Parents frequently abuse the handicap spaces. The notice was reminding parents not to abuse the spaces. I have, a few times this winter, parked in 1 of the two spaces - only when the other 5 are full and only if it leaves one open...I would never park and leave a handicapped person no where to park.
After getting that notice I said something to the director - apologizing that I had parked there a few times. Her response was: "No no, please dont worry - as far as I am concerned you are handicapped...." (she obviously meant it nicely not rudely.
Yesterday - I dropped K off. The 5 spots were full - I parked in the further away of the 2 handicapped spots. The parking lot was icy from an overnight storm we got and the salt trucks had not been there yet. As I shuffled across the parking lot - carrying K because she was scared of the ice - I heard a man behind me making comments. As I got to the door I opened it and held it for him and his child. He made a rude remark about how its sad some people feel entitled to abuse the handicapped spot.
I was floored. I turned and looked at him and said "Good Morning" this point he can see I am massively pregnant - not to mention we are standing in front of our children. He continued to verbally assault me for parking in the handicapped spot...ended by saying I should be ashamed of myself and telling his son not to grow up and be like me.
I know what I did was technically not "right" but I was following guidelines the director set forth to me. I had told him this and he responded that he would be filing a complaint with them and possibly the city (not even sure he can do that). I didnt really have a chance to plead my case to him - mostly bc I was so caught off guard by his attitude.
I called the director and apologized. Again she told me it was fine and she supported me. I asked if this man had a handicapped wife perhaps and that was why he was so offended. She said he did not (as she has met her) and told me that when she informed him that I was 9 mos pregnant and they had told me it was acceptable that his response was "that does not give her an excuse to break the law"...
So...give me a reality check ladies...was I that far off? Should I never do it again? Or follow what the director tells me...?