So it's been a long time coming. Our second son is almost 6 months and he was still sleeping in a mini co-sleeper beside our bed with our table lamp on super dim all night long so I can see him whenever I hear him move.

The reason why we waited so long is b/c we first had to move our oldest son (now 3) out of his crib into his new big boy room. That was pretty uneventful b/c he was so excited to sleep in such a big bed (queen). We have two extra queens so just gave him one of them. I put up bed rails for him so he doesn't fall off. It's ugly but does its job. Anyway, then I had to shampoo the carpet in his old room b/c our dog (an 8 lb Maltese) likes to wipe her face all over the carpet in there and we found out almost 2 months ago that our second has dog and peanut allergies (*super sad face here*). I wasn't about to give our dog away (she's my first born) so I decided to bath her more often and put a really short gate up in front of our son's room so she can't go in there anymore. He also has an ionic air purifier in there. Ionic air purifiers are the most efficient in getting rid of pet dander.

So back to how I did it. I went through the same bedtime routine like before except I wasn't sitting in front of our bedroom TV. I sat in the glider in his room to nurse him and did everything the same except when it came time to put him in his crib he wasn't swaddled. I put him in there, he opened his eyes, looked around and CRIED! BIG TIME! Sobbing and screaming. My poor little guy. My heart sank even if I've heard it a zillion times before. I kissed him, told him I love him, and then said good night and walked out. Thank goodness for video monitors that pan! I sat downstairs staring into the monitor watching and hearing him cry. I probably should have turned the volume down but I didn't. The 10 minutes he cried for seemed like forever. When he finally stopped crying he started sucking all of his fingers and then fell asleep a short time later. By then he was perpendicular to the crib on his side. That was the first time he fell sleep on his side. It must have felt so great for him not to be on his back for once. So that was it! Pretty uneventful and I expected worse.

I think what helped was that shortly after I started swing napping him I started putting him on the swing wide awake. He cried it out for a few days and then finally figured out that I wasn't coming back so he started not crying as long; but he still cries for a few seconds immediately after I put him in the swing. Tonight's the second night in his crib and that's exactly what he did in his crib tonight - cried for a few seconds and went to sleep.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is it for CIO at night. My original plan was to CIO for nap and bedtime at the same time; but I decided to do night time first and see how that goes. So far so good and I hope it stays this way! I love not having to tip toe around our bedroom anymore. I'll probably try having him nap in his crib in a another week or two. Hope that goes just as well. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed when that time comes.

I thought when the time came to CIO I would have to re-read all the books that I read when I CIO'd my oldest. I didn't even look at any of the books sitting on my bookshelf or think of picking it up to refresh my brain. I just did it and kept the same routine that I did when he was still sleeping in our room and that was it. The only difference was no dim light and instead of an fan air purifier I am using a small Vornado fan for white noise. It helps circulate the air and keep the room on the cooler side.

Next, solids!