I have loved nursing my son (12mo) but I am starting to get stressed about the upcoming baby. They will be 18mo apart, so I have 6mo to figure out a game plan!!
E is very attached to nursing. He nurses 4x a day (when he wakes up, after each nap, before bed). I would prefer he self-wean but I have a feeling he won't voluntarily give up the boob before 18mo. So here are my questions:
Anyone have a boob-loving 1year old that magically self weaned??
If YOU weaned a boob-loving 1yr+ how did it go? Should I start slowly cutting out the middle feedings? Or wait a few more months and go cold turkey?
If you tandem nursed, how did that go?! I wouldn't be opposed to it, I think I just need to hear more success stories. My OB said she tried to tandem nurse her newborn and 2yr old and if went horribly.
In every scenario , I'm worried about E being jealous of the baby nursing. Even if he is weaned I wonder if he will remember how much he liked to nurse and want to resume. Any tips or tricks for people who have been in a similar situation?