And did you do anything special to help your LO do that? DD is 6 weeks old and I think she is digressing - she used to sleep 4-5 hours at a time and now she's only sleeping 3 hours at a time and doesn't take many naps during the day. I.NEED.SLEEP!
And did you do anything special to help your LO do that? DD is 6 weeks old and I think she is digressing - she used to sleep 4-5 hours at a time and now she's only sleeping 3 hours at a time and doesn't take many naps during the day. I.NEED.SLEEP!
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
My LO would wake 2-4 times a night around week 5-6 then at week 8 she slept for 8 hours & 45 minutes! Nothing in our routine( i usually swaddle her before her last feed and as soon as she is done with breast or bottle...we put her down) changed and she still sleeps through the night now! Good luck!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
Do you have her on a schedule? I did a schedule right away and my LO stopped waking up by 8 weeks.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
olive tricked me when she slept 11 straight hours, then 8 straight hours a month ago. now her sleep is completely unpredictable night to night. she could sleep 3-4-5 hours straight. she could wake up every hour. olive is 5 months old and i'm going to employ some mild sleep training tactics (eg letting her cry up to 10 min) this week.
persimmon / 1465 posts
3 weeks, 6 days. We did nothing special, although that was the day I started feeding from both sides. LO sleeps 8 -7.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
So, do you mean sleeping through the night in real, parent-sleeping time (ie. 7pm-7am) or STTN according to baby books (8 consecutive hours)? Heh.
At 3-4 months, LO slept 3-4 hours, eat, 3-4 hours, eat, 2 hours, wake. (We sleep-trained her at 3.5 months)
At 5-6 months, LO would sleep 8-10 hours straight, wake for a feed, then sleep another 3-4 hours before waking for the morning.
Now, at 7 months, we are struggling a little bit because we traveled a couple of weeks ago and it messed it all up. This week, LO's been sleeping 5-6 hours, feed, 5-6 hours, feed, 1-2 hours.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Lo started sleeping 12 hours at 2 1/2 months. We stopped swaddling her, she was able to find and suck her thumb because her hands were free, and life was good.
apricot / 254 posts
At 2 months old...but regressed just prior to 4 months and wakes up 1X per night. Now at 5.5 months it's hit and miss. Sometimes 0-2X per night now. We stopped swaddling at 2.5 months (she was already STTN). So I wouldn't say we did anything different.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@Andrea: This is our schedule as of now... I feed her, change her, do some tummy time (except at night) and then I put her to bed. Those tend to fall on the same times every day. She'll wake at midnight, 2-3am, 5-6am, 8-9am... and after that, it varies, but she's usually in bed for the night around 9pm.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
LO started sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at 6 weeks old. She slept through the night (12 hours) at around 6 months old. It only lasted til she was 9 months old though.
From 9 months - now she wakes a couple of times a night to eat! :T
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@chopsuey119: Thanks! *slaps forehead* I guess I should have figured that one out
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: what does your day time schedule look like? are you swaddling, using a paci, or white noise?
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@Andrea: During the day, it's hit or miss. She has never napped very well. If she does sleep, she'll be down for 30 min - 1 hr. Although today she went down around 10:30am for 2 hours, and then went back down at 2pm for another 2 hours. I just go based on her cues of when she's tired.
We swaddle her and give her a paci before we put her down. I've tried white noise, but it seems to wake her up more than put her to sleep.
kiwi / 623 posts
@Andrea: What did your schedule look like from the beginning? I haven't been putting my LO on a schedule (he's 3 weeks old) and I've been exhausted! I can't wait until he starts to sleep for longer periods.
persimmon / 1465 posts
@Rubies: Real sleeping through the night!
In LO's case it was 9pm - 8am, although that has shifted slightly to 8pm - 7ish am. LO has only woken up during the night once since, when sick. LO is now 10 months.
pomegranate / 3398 posts
Both my daughters started sleeping steadily through the night around 2 months old.
It was easier at that point because we had established a schedule for feedings and naps.
But, my youngest slept 8hours straight after birth and still takes 2 to 3 hour naps at 5years old...I got super lucky with that one lol
persimmon / 1465 posts
@enjollah: I worked on a loose 1.5 hour schedule. LO was up for around 1.5 hours. After 1 hour or so I started to look for tired cues and at the first sign LO was straight into bed.
persimmon / 1472 posts
@babyboeksmom - This is great info. I was going to ask something similar - thanks for posting!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: @enjollah: ok, here is a sample schedule.
7 am: wake up for the day, feed
9 am - 10 am: nap #1
10 am: feed
12 pm - 2 pm: nap #2
2 pm: feed
4 pm - 5 pm: nap #3
5 pm: feed
6 pm: bath
6:30 pm: one last feed and then bed
I made sure to feed her more frequently at the end of the day to fill her up for bedtime.
From birth to 5 weeks she woke up at 11 pm and 3 am to eat. From 5 weeks to 8 weeks she woke up at 3 am to eat. By 8 weeks she was sleeping straight through with no feedings.
I am a big believer in schedules for babies. They love routine and like knowing what to expect. Plus it helped keep me sane by knowing how to plan my day. Of course you have to make adjustments here and there, like when they wake up early from a nap....maybe you have to put them to bed a little bit earlier that day...that type of thing.
Oh and I always woke her up from naps if they were running long to keep her on this schedule. But I never woke her up at night to eat.
persimmon / 1472 posts
@andrea - What did you do with LO during her awake times? When it came time for the next nap, what did you do to wind her down? I'm having trouble with nap schedule during the day - its different everyday and it's so hard to plan! Some days she naps well and some days I'm ready to pull my hair out cause she refuses to nap.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@ElisaT: are you trying for naps at the same times? I would always try at the same times. If I failed at one nap, I would wait until she seemed tired and then try again.
We were mostly home because I was so worried of her going off schedule. But some naps did occur in the stroller or car.
To wind down, do a quiet activity once nap time nears. Sing a few songs or read a few books. Then it was into the swaddle with her paci plus white noise for the nap.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
Well, my LO decided to sleep 6.5 hours last night! Whoo hoo!
I woke up an 1.5 hours before that because I was engorged. So my next question is... how do you deal with that?? Do you wake up and pump? Or does it get better over time?
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: yay!! hehe.... they really go up and down, back and forth... such a tease when you are so sleep deprived. I used to constantly say that I probably got 10 hours of total sleep a day, but never went into deep sleep because it was only 2-3 hours at a time!!
RJ started sleeping thru the night when we sleep trained him at 4 months. But he has always been a phenomenal sleeper. Plus we never go to him when he cries at night unless he's sick. He's always been good at falling back asleep since he self-soothes very well (sucking on fingers before, but now it's just a blankie).
When RJ started sleeping thru the night and I'd wake up engorged, I'd do his bedtime feeding as a bottle of pumped milk and NOT pump then.... then I'd pump before I went to bed and get myself really empty. By the time he woke up for the morning I'd be engorged but he'd have a nice big morning feeding.
When he was still having a 3am feeding Rob Sr. would get up and feed him a bottle of pumped milk and I'd pump at that point (after having pumped during his bedtime feeding). So once he got rid of that last middle of the night feeding, I would just pump once a day, right before I went to sleep.
pear / 1837 posts
Wow, I'm jealous of all you ladies with good sleepers!
LO is 11 months and still doesn't reliably sleep through the night. He was waking up every 3 hours or so well into 6 or 7 months, and then started getting better. By 9 months, he was pretty much down to one or two night wakings between 7:30 PM and 6:30 AM. I'd say he currently averages one waking per night, sometimes sleeping through the night and sometimes waking a couple times.
kiwi / 549 posts
wow. Baby X is not nearly as good of a sleeper as any of your babies. He wakes up every 3 hours (on a GOOD night!) and on a bad night, he's up every 30 minutes for the first 3 hours after he goes down, then maybe every 2-3 hours after that, and throws in a 2 hour wake up somewhere in there where he is totally alert/awake & wants to play. If he coos and wants to play, we eventually cry it out or just rock him until he gets drowsy again (more CIO lately) so that he gets the hint that night time is not play time. People keep asking if he's sleeping through the night. I just laugh.
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