DD just moved up to the toddler room, and daycare provides the snacks. One of which is raisins. These stand out to me as a choking hazard, but the internet says they are safe starting around 9 mo. DD is 15 mo, only has 7 teeth, so I have no idea how she could even eat these, unless she is swallowing them whole.

I am hyper aware of choking hazards because I choked on a piece of hard candy when I was 6 and have been terrified ever since. (No hard candy allowed in my house ever!)

Daycare also gives apples. I've seen some of the older kids (20mo) walking around eating a whole apple, but they told me they cut them up for DD, without skin. But again, this seems to be a huge choking hazard to me.

So let me know if I'm freaking out over nothing, or if I should be freaking out....
