Hellobee Boards


What are you reading right now?

  1. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    Just finished Why Have Kids? by Jessica Valenti. It was really interesting and I totally recommend to anyone who feels a little unsure about the way we approach kids/mothering/parenting in our culture (or at least conversations about kids, mothering, and parenting).

    @hilsy85 I loved The Marriage Plot! I assume you liked it, too, if you're re-reading? I was not a fan of the Great Gatsby, either, even though I thought I'd love it. But I did love Tender Is the Night (also Fitzgerald).


    cherry / 195 posts

    I'm starting the Harry Potter series. Always wanted to, never got around to it. Figured I should read it before my LO does

  3. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mjane: yup I really like the Marriage Plot--have you read Middlesex? Also very good! I"ll have to check out Tender is the Night--thanks!

  4. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @hilsy85: haven't read Middlesex, though it's on my list! I went off Jeffrey Eugenides for a while because the Virgin Suicides really skeeved me out, but a friend loved the Marriage Plot so I gave him another shot. So glad I did!

  5. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Jennimac: hehe, percy jackson is a total guilty pleasure. and i'm not a middle school teacher borrowing mark of athena from my (20 y/o) brother this week! LOL!

    um, this week I have read the newborn section of what to expect the first year and a nursing book.

    I think I'm going to bite the bullet and buy game of thrones on my kindle! it's cheaper to get the paperback at target..but one handed reading is a luxury that I could use right now


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