A friend of mine just sent me an email with a list of things that she recommended we'd need for LO's arrival in January. She had a list of items to register or buy new and things to borrow or buy used. On the registry/buy new list were the usual suspects - breast pump, crib, pack and play, baby monitor, etc. But then on the stuff to borrow/buy used, she had a bumbo, bottles, high chair, play mat...stuff that I would think we would just register for and (hopefully) receive as gifts rather than spend our own money on it. I mean, I think IF we don't get some of that stuff from our registry, THEN we'll try to buy it used, but it's not necessarily something that I would leave off the registry with the intent to just find it used ourselves. Am I wrong in thinking like this? I mean, obviously, we'll buy the crib and baby furniture - I'm not putting that on the registry. But the high chair? An umbrella stroller? That just seems like stuff we'd rather put on the registry and hope someone buys it for us.