For us 7:30 - 7:30 because Charlie doesn't nap anymore so he really needs 12 hours at night. Usually it's 8:30 - 7:30 though.
Olive is fine with less than 12 hours at night because she naps 2 1/2 hours in the daytime.
What about you?
For us 7:30 - 7:30 because Charlie doesn't nap anymore so he really needs 12 hours at night. Usually it's 8:30 - 7:30 though.
Olive is fine with less than 12 hours at night because she naps 2 1/2 hours in the daytime.
What about you?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I really was loving it when T was sleeping 8-7:30. 8-7 is great too. He only naps 1.5 hours so he really should be getting 11 hours at night, but lately it's 10 or 10.5. He has never been a 12 hour a night sleeper. Ever. It happens if he has a horrible nap, but it's pretty rare.
ETA: I will take 6 ANY DAY over 5, which was T's wakeup time for like 8 months.
pomelo / 5326 posts
I'd love 7:30-7:30. That seems perfect. We are close, but right now bedtime is 8:30/9pm and she wakes up anywhere from 6-8am. I'd love an extra hour in the evening with my husband.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
She was sleeping 8:30-8:00 but then we had day light savings and I didn't adjust now she's sleeping 7:30-7:00 which I like so much better! We can take our time getting ready in the morning and I get some more alone time at night with my husband
pear / 1723 posts
We're at 8-7 right now and it's working really well. It used to be more like 6:30-6ish and that was more limiting to our schedules.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
8-8 would be ideal! DH doesn't come home until later so we don't mind the 8pm bedtime. I wouldn't mind if she woke up at 7-7:30.
Right now we are in the 18 month sleep regression so who knows when that will happen lol. Yesterday was 10:45-6:45 and only took a 30 min nap send help! And lots of coffee !
honeydew / 7444 posts
@winniebee: I remember those days for you...i don't know how you endured through that!
Ideally, she would be in bed by 7:45pm and wake up at 6:45am. That way, DH and i could make an 8pm dinner reservation, and she would wake up early enough for us to get to daycare/work by a decent time. Lately it's more like 8:15-7.
kiwi / 689 posts
Realistic dream - 7pm to 6am. She does 6.30 until 5am at the moment. I would love to be able to hang out with her more in the evening and not get up before sunrise, but alas.
kiwi / 662 posts
At this time, I would like a my babe to stay asleep with an 8 o'clock bedtime. 8-8 would be lovely
blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts
@MerryC: how did you change it? Or did it happen organically over time? We are on a 6:30-5:45 over here and it sucks.
bananas / 9118 posts
I'm pretty happy with 8-8:30 until 7-7:30 (22 months, STTN took us a very, very long time). Having the quality playtime after dinner when we are all home is more important to us that an early bedtime. When he goes past 9pm it gets kinda exhausting since I do most of my work after his bedtime.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
7:30 pm - 6:30 am would be perfect, with a 2 hour nap in the afternoon!
Right now she's doing 8 or 8:30 pm - 6:30 am (but I have to wake her)… so we're pretty close! Her sleep really improved since we changed preschools at the beginning of this month. Mrs. Bee's post really rang true in that the increased stimulation has led to improved sleep! For awhile there we were fighting bedtimes like crazy and having really early wake ups.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
Our last feeding starts at 8pm & I'd be happy if she went right down after. She usually fights it & it takes a good 30-45 min after she eats to get her to sleep. It would be great if she slept longer in the morning but she's 3.5 weeks old, so I would just take her going back down right away after her 430am wakeup!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I don't even have a LO, but I have already thought about this. Bed time 8 pm and wake up at 5:30 am, so he/she can spend time with their father in the morning. I'm hoping morning routine will be smooth enough for Mr. Lime to be able to handle all by himself, drop LO off at daycare and still get to work on time.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
In a perfect world it will be 7:30 - 6:30. We have to be up by 6:30 to get out of the house in time. This way she gets a solid 11 hours. Pre regression it was more like 10 because she would wake at 5:30 but then snooze for a bit more.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
8-9...which is what she does! Plus a sizeable nap or two during the day. Homegirl is wild and tuckers herself out daily.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
8-8 would be great. It's more like 8 to anytime between 5:30 and 7:30...he's very unpredictable
squash / 13764 posts
At this point, I would be thrilled with 7-6, or 6:30-6, or 7:30-6. Basically, I would be thrilled with him sleeping til 6, regardless of when he goes to sleep (which has never been later than 7:30/7:45). The last month or so, he's been usually waking up between 5:30 and Anything before 6 is just not morning in my book. He also SEEMS to need at least 11 hours of sleep, but sometimes only gets 10/10.5 with night wakings, and that just doesn't seem to be enough.
I can't even imagine an 8-8 schedule. that would just be too amazing. I don't even want to think about it because I'll get sad!
@DillonLion: your baby is some kind of dream baby.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
8-6, but I'm just praying for a longer stretch of constant sleep right now.... He takes 3 naps and the last one is really late in the evening. I've tried keeping him awake so that it might cause him to sleep through the night longer, but no dice. He either still wakes up MOTN or gets super fussy bc he wants to sleep.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
I would love 7-6:30. We need to leave for daycare around 7:20, so sleeping until 6:30 would be perfect.
@hilsy85: ugh, don't babies know that anything before 6 is not cool?? LO has started waking up bright and early at 5:30 again! Our lovely 1 month of sleeping in until 7:30 is long gone, ha!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
right now i would love 6.30 to 6.30. we are all over the place with wake-up times.
@winniebee: so there is hope? LO has been waking up at 4 or 5am (we were aiming for 5.30 or 6am wakeups) for the past 6 months. when i realized this wasn't a short little phase or something i could train him out of (CIO wasn't working after weeks), i caved and now nurse him at that godforsaken hour and sometimes he goes back to sleep. unless he poops. which happens a lot. argh. at what age did your LO grow out of the early wakeups?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@edelweiss: he slept 7-5 or 730-530 for a long time probably 5-13 months? It just turned out that he was never going to sleep 12 hours so super early bed time was not for us! He eventually started sleeping a little later as he transitioned towards 1 nap!
honeydew / 7811 posts
I would love if C slept from 7 pm (so I would have some time with him after work in the evening) until 6 am (early because on some work days I have to wake him up to go to MIL's for childcare).
Of course ideally he would also sleep in on the weekends for momma
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Ideal? 7-6.
What she does currently? 6/6:30 to 4:30/5:30. She is 14.5 months.
pear / 1586 posts
My ideal is either 6:30-6:45 to 8 or 6:50-7 to 8:30. With a two hour nap. We generally get that! Lately she's been having trouble falling asleep but she is getting molars I think so anyways.
pear / 1723 posts
@Mrs. Confetti: I think it was just kind of a perfect storm of things that allowed us to be successful. DS was waking super early (like 4 or 5) and daylight savings was approaching, so we were terrified! So a week out from the dst fall back we started pushing bedtime back by 15 minutes for 2 nights at a time, until it was a full hour or so later. I was kind of amazed at how well the kids responded. But I think going slow and giving them multiple nights to adjust to each small shift made a difference. We also started giving them an extra cup of milk about 30 min out from starting the bath&bed routine, and that seemed to help keep them energized later. Their nap also ended up shifting later from 11 or 12 to 1 or so in the process. Sorry for the novel, but it's been a great shift for us...good luck!
nectarine / 2217 posts
We are pretty happy with his 7:30-7:30 right now. He still takes 2 naps (total 3hrs) as well at 18 months. I'm really grateful because we have a 7 week old now, as well!
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