I am planning on having an unmedicated birth and DH thinks I am completely wacky. He is definitely being supportive, but I still get some crazy looks from him when I talk about it.
I am planning on having an unmedicated birth and DH thinks I am completely wacky. He is definitely being supportive, but I still get some crazy looks from him when I talk about it.
honeydew / 7589 posts
He is very on board. He would also be comfortable with a home birth, but agrees with my choice of a freestanding birth center for this LO.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Pretty much the same. He supports whatever I want and knows I hope to birth naturally if possible, but he'd prefer I get the epidural.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I'm not actually pregnant yet, but we have talked about it. He doesn't really see the need for me to be in pain if there are safe drugs to take for it, but as long as I'm in a birth center attached to a hospital and not putting my or the (future) baby's life in danger, I can do what I want. Once it gets closer to the time we will both educate ourselves a lot more about it.
clementine / 943 posts
My DH thought I was crazy. He thought there was no way in hell I'd be able to do it.
Afterwards, you should have heard that man brag about how I gave birth "All natural, with no drugs!". He was so proud. *eye roll*
pineapple / 12526 posts
My DH was the same. He couldn't understand why I didn't want drugs. He kept telling me that I wouldn't have a tooth filled without drugs so why would I give birth without them. He was supportive though.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
I think he probably thinks I'm a nut (he already thinks I'm way too crunchy-granola for his sensibilities). But bless him for not having actually said that and for being entirely supportive of my wishes
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Lol, I was and am all about medication. But we've talked about the different options and how he feels about them all, and he's pretty much on the, "whatever you want because it's your body, as long as it's safe for you and the baby" camp.
He already spends a lot of his life helping me deal with my migraine pain, it's not too much different for him to have to deal with another kind of pain. And this would only be temporary so I don't think he'd have an issue with it at all. Plus he's all about researching so I'm sure he'd come up with all sorts of methods to help.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Haha my hubs is the opposite. When I had my first appointment and told the NP that I definitely wanted and epidural my husband pipes up and says "Well we haven't talked about it". He received a look that let him know his opinion would not be need on that topic : )
grapefruit / 4049 posts
He got "more on board" with it after we happened to watch the documentary "Pregnant in America" together. But throughout the entire pregnancy, both of us still weren't really sure I'd be able to pull it off. He would tell me I could do it though, but I'm not sure if either of us believed it til it really happened. And even then we were still in shock
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Dang! You go girl. I'm holding out for as long as I can but plan on getting an epidural!
Dh was supportive when I talked about a natural birth with lo and he was supportive when I changed my mind
nectarine / 2667 posts
He was 100% supportive. He believed fully that I could go without meds if I wanted to. However, he would've supported me getting an epidural if I wanted. I'm glad he was on board with my choice; it made me feel strong
pomegranate / 3192 posts
I would really love an unmedicated birth, but my DH doesn't understand why I would suffer and not take the epidural. He said women have been getting them for a long time! I know he'll be supportive either way, but I think it will be harder to go the unmedicated route when he is secretly thinking I should just get an epidural!
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
DH didn't get it until we took our prenatal classes together. They were taught by our doula and focused on natural birth and infromed choices. After we finished our weekend class, he was completely on board and now fancies himself a bit of an expert on the subject
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
FWIW, PP's with hubby's that don't get it, once he understood the benefits of me being able to stand and move throughout labour he was much more on board.
pineapple / 12053 posts
DH is totally on board and would probably be bummed if i weren't going to at least try to do an unmedicated birth. we've both done a lot of research and believe that women's bodies are totally capable of it and think it's the best thing for me/us/our baby. that being said, i'm not under any illusions that it will be easy or that the arrival of our baby will be any less if i can't do it. as one of my friends said recently, "i realized it was only one day in her life" and i think that having a doula will help me be okay if i can't do it.
pomelo / 5789 posts
He didn't understand why I would want to do it unmediated until he watched "the business of being born" with me. Then he understood.
clementine / 959 posts
DH told me it was my decision and he'd support me either way. As a doctor though, he did say at first he'd be totally cool with an epidural, but that was it. Of course when I got to the hospital and wanted the epi, he was very good about motivating me to do it med free (and since I delivered so fast there wasn't even time for one!)
pomegranate / 3729 posts
We watched some documentaries and talked with friends about their birth experiences. I never thought I would have anything but a natural birth since it's the norm in my family. He was fully supportive and loved our midwife. His one thing was it had to take place in a hospital just in case!
pear / 1895 posts
My husband is incredibly supportive. It's a joint decision to aim for no meds -- I'm not sure I could do it if I didn't know he was behind me 100%.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
hahaha he was more on board than me I was very into researching it and always telling DH about why I was doing it so he picked it up and definitely strongly supported it.
pear / 1787 posts
I'm not even pregnant yet, but I am a huge birth nerd and have shared a lot of my research and points of view with my husband. He is very supportive and on board with using a midwife and going med-free.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
He was completely supportive of what I wanted to do. He had more faith in me than I did!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I haven't gotten pregnant yet, but he is into natural birth like I am. I'd like to attempt a med free birth at a birth center one day.
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