Dutch is the first dog I have ever had. We adopted him 8 1/2 years ago from a no kill shelter who had him for 1 1/2 years, he was badly abused so it took that long for him to be trained/pass the state temperament test. They are not sure how old he was he had lived chained to a tree his whole life and was underfed and beaten. Their guess on age 2 or less. He is a mixed breed Shepard/lab/chow we think and weighs about 65 lbs.

He has always been a wonderful loyal dog. Really happy and easy. He can be skittish and is scared of things like brooms, the vacuum, hoses etc. He loves people and kids and seems really in tune with our 19 day old baby.

A few months ago he started refusing to go outside to go potty or eat. Sometimes once a day, sometimes every time. So we gently prompted him, put treats in his food, let him stay inside and try again. Put sometimes we are forced to pull him outside by his collar which is upsetting to everyone. Because of his history we are so careful to be gentle to him. I want to cry. I'm not sure if it matters but we also have a six year old Mini Aussie who is just fine.

My Mom thinks he has brain damage. I think he could be 12 and is getting old and confused. Any advice or experience with an aging dog? He is checking out at every vet appointment. Physically he seems fine.

ETA we both work from home so his routine is the same. And we are around even more because of the baby.