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What kind of formula do you use?

  1. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    I'm surprised no one else has mentioned Costco's Kirkland brand! I've used that for both of my girls.
    My Ped told me that Enfamil sells Kirkland their previous year's research, so it's essentially a year-old version of Enfamil's formula.

  2. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @daniellemybelle: Honestly, I have found that doctors vary so much. I agree with @dc yoga bee: that doctors definitely have different opinions and as parents our job is to listen to all perspectives and make the best decision for our kid with the info we have. I think, too, we need to be willing to change it up if their advice doesn't work for our particular kid.

  3. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    We use Enfamil Reguline as she doesn't poop very often. Otherwise we have used regular Enfamil Infant (Newborn when she was young enough). It started as supplementation but it was grown to be about 75% of her diet

  4. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    We use Gerber Gentle now, but for the record, Baby's Only DOES meet all of the nutritional requirements laid out by the FDA for infant formula; we had to use it for a little while. I did ask our pedi some extra questions to make sure, but from what I've seen if you do a direct comparison of its ingredients with those in other popular infant formula companies, it looks fine there as well..

    I know you're a pediatrician @Mrs. Jacks (I think so, anyways...if I'm remembering that correctly) but it concerns me to see you basically telling other moms that their pediatrician is wrong. Especially when the person is someone online; I'm sure you wouldn't want your patients to take the medical advice of someone online over you, the person who is actually their doctor and has physically seen and examined them. Not saying you should totally ignore it if you see something potentially dangerous. I just think there is a line between telling someone they might want to double-check something with their doctor, and telling them to ignore their doctor's advice in favor of getting their medical advice from the internet...and you're kind of straddling that line.

  5. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @swurlygurl: we were using the Kirkland brand, but I really hated how each can explodes formula everywhere when I open it. One day I was covered head to toe in milky powder after opening it!

  6. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @wonderstruck: I didn't say anyone was wrong. What I actually said was that it made sense that her baby was older and had more mature kidneys.

    Our hospital does not recommend using it for infants. It's a toddler formula by the company's own guidelines and I think it's fair that people make an educated decision when they choose to go against a company's own recommendations about their formula.

    I don't see where I told anyone to ignore their doctor's advice

  7. charlotte

    kiwi / 706 posts

    We used Earths Best w the Dr Browns pitcher and loved it. It smells so much better than the Similac we started with and seemed to agree with LO.

    @Mrs. Jacks: I appreciate you sharing info on Babys Only. I looked into it as well when looking for an organic formula and the name is quite confusing/misleading IMO. If you hadn't posted about it I might have just thrown a can in my cart in a sleep deprived state. Why can't they just make an actual baby formula with the same nutritional profile as the other infant ones?!

  8. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @charlotte: wouldn't that be awesome!? I would use it! I'm glad you found the information helpful

  9. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @wonderstruck: I never heard Mrs. Jacks tell anyone to not talk to or trust their own doctor. But pediatricians are not always 100% right, as I have learned in my own experience, and I think it's important to do your own research. If you trust and love your pediatrician, that's fantastic, but I have had to research everything mine has told me and in some cases, I have not listened to him because his advice is outdated or incorrect. (We are searching for a new one but it's been a challenge.) I'm glad that Mrs. Jacks has been a great resource to me!

  10. charlotte

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @daniellemybelle: "pediatricians are not always 100% right"

    SO true. Ours is usually a huge help but when my son had a severe allergic reaction and we got an epi pen prescription he told us to keep one in the diaper bag and one at home (they come in a 2pk). Then we went to the allergist and she said "now these come as a two pack because sometimes people need two doses, so keep them together and always have both on hand". I was a bit surprised. And now I know that he is not an expert on everything.

  11. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    When we supplemented, I used Baby's Only, but it constipated DS. I have a box of Holle that I've been avoiding opening since it's only good for 2 weeks. Had donor milk for a while, but that's now long gone. Getting by barely without it though...

  12. CastleGirl

    coffee bean / 40 posts

    We use Target store brand I'm all about budget. If for some reason, we can't get to Target, I use Wegman's store brand!


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