My mom likes to buy DD clothes; she thinks it's fun and I'm very grateful for this. She shops at BabyGap and I love it, but I'm come to terms with the fact that DD is too chunky to wear that brand It's also a little too short for her. The tops are just fine, but the bottoms are no bueno.

I'm planning to tell my mom to stop buying her clothes from Gap *super sad face*. But now I need to find another store I can get her to go to. She's oldskool and wants to actually go into the store and browse, so nothing online - it needs to be a store that's found in a mall or easy to go to.

DD fits Carter's really well, but their store is a little out of the way for her. A few of you recommended Gymboree. But what else is there? I'm thinking The Children's Place? Old Navy? Target?

Which typical mall brand is your favorite? Is it chunky baby friendly? Thanks so much!