What was your favorite month of babyhood and why? My lo us currently 4.5 months and getting more interesting but really I'm most excited to have a kid, not a baby!
What was your favorite month of babyhood and why? My lo us currently 4.5 months and getting more interesting but really I'm most excited to have a kid, not a baby!
clementine / 770 posts
I really loved the first month. Brand new snuggly and very easy going. Now that she's 6 months and a bit more independant with her personality starting to show I'm enjoying this a lot as well!
kiwi / 566 posts
I really do enjoy each month more than the last. She's 14 months now and each month has just gotten more and more fun (with un-fun patches of teething and grumpies, of course). I love watching her learn new things and get more animated and more personality. She's also gotten cuddlier as she's gotten older (she used to be the least cuddly baby in the world) which I love. Much more affectionate now!
nectarine / 2521 posts
In the baby stage, I loved 7-10 months. LO started crawling, saying first words and pulling up and just much more interactive with us.
Then it sucked from 11-13 months thanks to molars But like @ILoveLettie: we are at 14 months and I'm loving it - he's silly and learning new things every day.
eggplant / 11716 posts
I think every month is better than the last! My LO is 19 months and learning so many words and every day it's a new expression or word-- and now she's really into singing songs--it's the cutest thing!
eggplant / 11861 posts
Amen so far every month gets better and we are only 3 months just so fun to watch her grow
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
15 months was a great month, but I've been loving 2 1/2 as well!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Each month really gets better and better. I have a toddler (2.5y), which is amazing because of how verbal and hilarious she is. Now I have a 3 month old too and I'm remembering all the fun (and not so much fun) things about the early months as well. For me - the more personality they have, the more fun!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Every month has been more fun than the last especially starting at 12 months (she's 18 mo now).
cherry / 241 posts
How do I pick!
1st month because she was new
3rd month because of the constant smiles
7-8 month because of the giggles.
But I gotta say 18 months... She is Walking, talking, affectionate, shows empathy to animals. This kid has me.
cherry / 241 posts
@Peasinapod: I miss the squishy-squee-ness of the first month. Hello baby fever! Lol
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@msplatypus: I felt the same way when LO was that age! During infancy I thought every month was better than the last with the exception of the second month being worse than the first. She's 2.5 now and super cute, or at least I think so. My LO was also an early talker so we have just had a ton of fun with her. Hoping her baby sibling will be similar!
pear / 1696 posts
6-12 months was our angel baby era. Then came teething hell and then he became a toddler, so yeah...
pomegranate / 3375 posts
Each month is more and more fun. We are at 14 months now, and it's just a JOY!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
They just get better and better! It started at 6 months for us-she was crawling, happy, SLEEPING (see: happy), we weren't dead exhausted anymore, and I felt like we could enjoy Her more. And as a baby, every month brought a new milestone and activities to look towards. That doesn't really happen now that she's almost 2!
pineapple / 12566 posts
Agree with those who say it gets better and better (I have a 4yo and a 15 mo). When I get nostalgic about the "baby" getting older, I always remember how much fun each older stage is.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Every month is better then the last. But at 6 months is when DH and I both thought she was finally getting fun. 9 months is when we finally got her on a nap schedule, she was much happier, cruising, and so much fun. But I think 2 is even more fun now!
pomelo / 5469 posts
As a baby? Probably around 10 months, when she went down to one nap meaning we had more time freed up and before her picky eating stage kicked in! Otherwise, like everyone else has said it just gets more and more fun...15-18 months have been great!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
As a baby, I say 6-9 months because they can sit up right on their own and are more independent, but yet not mobile.. DS also ate what we ate so meal times were much easier.
DS is now 19 months and I love it. He understands commands and can play by himself.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
8 months of age stands out in my mind (my son is 4 now). We went on a trip and he was just so into all of the people around him. I could really see his personality shining.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Loving 3, almost 4 months b/c she just laughed! I had been waiting for this moment for so long!
cherry / 147 posts
Yes, I would agree from 6 months on, baby was more interactive and fun. Starting to learn how to sit, trying to move and roll, clapping, laughing, playing. . .
I'm not a big fan of the early infant months with sleep deprivation and no reward.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
18-24 months was super fun!!
Although three is challenging, he is so smart and involved that I really enjoy this age too.
pomegranate / 3053 posts
The 5th month to about 24 months. Such cute times with these little ones. So innocent and so sweet. Not that the are not sweet when they get older, but those were my favorite months with both of my boys.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Month 6 because that was when everything started getting better (sleep, our confidence as parents) and she was so smiley and fun.
And then pretty much every month after that, with only the exception of a few teething/sick periods over the winter. She is 17 months now and we have our usual toddler issues but it is really such a joy watching her learn and grow.
persimmon / 1396 posts
6-9 months was my favorite little baby age. They just get cuter from there!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
LOL, ok I kid. LO is mos now and gets more fun every month
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
honestly it just gets more and more fun in different ways! it's hard to really quantify it
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