Bee has introduced me to a couple artists I've been into lately.

* Bruno Mars - I think he's really talented.
* Keane - This seems like a great band to listen to while drinking red wine on a blanket and staring up at the night sky. That's not where my life is right now, so listening to Keane is a nice way to make believe.

I also listen to a lot of YouTube, where I got into these guys:

* Chelsea Williams - I really like her covers of Bruno's song, Billionaire.
* Queen - I went through a big Freddie Mercury phase earlier this year.
* Macy Gray - Part of my one-man quest to bring back the 90s.
* Iron & Wine - I got super into them when it was featured in House, in that amazing S4 episode where Amber died.

What about you guys... what musicians are you listening to these days? I'm looking for new tunes, and could use some recs!