Hellobee Boards


What time did your LO(s) wake this am?

  1. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts


  2. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    8:15!! After going to sleep at 7:30. This solidified the fact in my mind that she's having a hard time adjusting to mommy not being here all the time (just started back to work, 12 hour shifts) as she's been waking 3-4 times at night on the days I work.

  3. yerpie110

    nectarine / 2771 posts

    10am! A rare morning. She usually STTN but last night, she was down at 745pm, was awake between 4-5am for some random reason (I think my loud hacking cough woke her), and then up at 10am. I don't mind the wake up if it means getting to sleep in

  4. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    7, it's pretty standard time for her during the week. she hears us getting ready.

  5. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @bushelandapeck: how old is your LO? Mine is 13 months and "slept in" til 6 am yesterday. It's rough!

  6. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @cmomma17: 21.5 months....this has been his wake up time for as long as he has STTN. Ugh

  7. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @bushelandapeck: you're not giving me much hope lady

  8. keiki_mama

    nectarine / 2504 posts

    7:15 he heard DH in the shower. It's regular time for us.

  9. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    Sorry let's hope it gets better for both of us!

  10. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    At 8:20! She finally slept in! Which means we all did since today's a holiday

  11. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    5:30am, like always. He's definitely an early riser.

  12. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    4 am, which is an hour earlier than usual. But she ate and then was up till 6, ate again and took a 1 hr nap.. I think we're in a growth spurt (6 mos)

  13. Sofiel

    cherry / 150 posts

    7 as per usual

  14. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    For once he woke up on his own around 6:10 (we leave the house for daycare 6:20-6:25). He's been super sleepy all week.

  15. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    7:15 it's usually between 7-730 when I'm getting ready to leave for work.

  16. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    415 or something crazy. THen she fell back asleep after a feed for about oh... 20 minutes. Then she was up again. I fed her again and then she was up until 7. She slept from 7-8. Then she wouldn't go for her afternoon nap. SHe's currently exhausted and yelling non stopped. I have a feeling it's going to be a bad night to get her to sleep. She's horrible to get to bed when she's over tired.

  17. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    6:45. Which is pretty regular for her.

  18. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @lil owl: @yerpie110: my LO woke up around 10 too. Do you think we're gonna be in trouble when they are teenagers?


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