And do you work? What is your morning routine like?
I'm going back to work next week and trying to figure out what is reasonable with two LOs to drop off at daycare. I have to be at work by 7:45. I hate mornings.
ETA: added a poll!
And do you work? What is your morning routine like?
I'm going back to work next week and trying to figure out what is reasonable with two LOs to drop off at daycare. I have to be at work by 7:45. I hate mornings.
ETA: added a poll!
101 votes
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I don't do drop-off, so this probably won't help.
I go to bed by 10:00, wake up at 5:00. Shower, do hair and makeup, get dressed, prepare milk/food for daycare, grab my lunch, head to work by 6:30 (arrive around 7:00).
Hubs does drop-off. He gets up around 6:30. Showers, gets dressed, eats breakfast, gets up the kids and feeds them a snack, everyone brushes their teeth, shoes and jackets go on, Hubs collects all the daycare stuff, shuffles everyone into the car, and they are at daycare by 8:00. He's at work by 9:00.
nectarine / 2951 posts
I'm currently not working due to being on modified bedrest. But when I did, this was our schedule for the 2 days DS went to school. DH has to be at work by 6:30, so I did this routine solo.
I'm a teacher, and cannot arrive at school later than 7:40 according to our contract (although I usually arrive by 7:30). I do drop off right at 7.
5:45 I wake up, get dressed, put on makeup
(I shower at night)
6:00. Wake DS
6:05-6:30. Get DS dressed, brush teeth,pack last minute things into my lunch bag, toast bread or get snack for car
6:30-6:40. Get DS into shoes, jacket, and car
7:00 daycare opens
Most everything is prepared the night before, since mornings are chaotic. I usually go to bed no later than 10.
Good luck. Going back to work sucks at first, but you'll find your new groove with 2 kids!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
I try to be in bed by 10pm but it's usually closer to 11. I'm up by 5am because DD2 is an early riser. We usually snooze till 6am and out the door by 6:45-7:00am. We sometimes drop both girls off together or DH and the girls drop me off first.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Well, DH does drop off so i don't know if this counts. MY routine is:
9pm in bed
4:50am wake up
5:30am arrive at Crossfit
6:30am leave
7am arrive at work and shower
7:30am start my work day
DH does:
6am wake up and shower
6:30/6:45am: get LO
Breakfast, get her dressed, morning routine
7:45am Drop LO off at school
8am start work
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@JoJoGirl: holy crud I can't believe you get up at 4:50!!!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@travellingbee: I know it's the worst. But honestly I have to have my butt IN BED by 9pm to make it happen. Ideally 8:45pm. With a work day starting at 7:30am and I do daycare pickup, it's the only time I can work out! And I'm not a nice or happy person when I don't work out
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I voted 5:30, but it's really more like 5:50. We leave the house by 6:20 most days.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
I'm usually in bed around 11:30. D wakes me up between 1-2, whenever G wakes up (he changes her and brings her to me). We co-sleep after that waking, so I'm only awake long enough to make sure she's latched on and then I fall back asleep.
My alarm goes off at 5:30 so I can nurse. I stay in bed, and doze. I get out of bed by 6:30, get dressed, get E up and dressed. We're usually downstairs by 7, and out the door by 7:10. I leave G with my mom and drop E off at preschool at 7:25-7:30, and am at the office usually by 7:45 or 7:50. This morning I don't start until 8:30, but I need to be able to pump before I start work. Next month I start at 8, so I'll need to push everything back by about half an hour.
E has a snack in the car (usually half a frozen waffle and applesauce pack), and proper breakfast at school, and I usually eat breakfast at my desk. I do as much prep as I can the night before...washing bottles, packing my bag, putting out clothes. I'm really low-maintenance...I shower at night and wear minimal to no makeup most days.
persimmon / 1447 posts
I'm up at 5:30 and have to be at work by 6:50. I don't have to do any type of drop off.
pomelo / 5720 posts
Up at 5:45 and out the door at 6:30, work at 7:30am. I'm in bed by 9-9:30pm always. We have a nanny so I don't need to get the kids out the door, but I do need to shower, dress, do my hair/makeup, get breakfast going for the kids, feed the dog, etc. I usually don't wash my hair on workdays to save a little time and I have my coffee and breakfast stuff prepped from the night before.
kiwi / 556 posts
Up at 5.30, out the door at 6.10 (winter) or 6.30 (the rest). I don't usually do drop off, but if I do she eats there and it's on the way, so it's only 5 minutes extra.
I have a very streamlined morning routine. Up, make protein shake for breakfast, turn kettle on, shower, brew tea, get dressed, add milk to tea, get DD up, 15 minutes cuddles and tea, fix hair (and once in a blue moon makeup - I teach and most of us don't bother). Out the door.
honeydew / 7917 posts
In bed by midnight and wake up around 7. I SAH and need to get LO out the door for preschool by 8:30. My kids take forever to eat breakfast.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
In bed by 9:30 and up at 5:15. I Solo in the mornings and we are out of the house by 7:20. I've been trying to wake up at 4:30 to squeeze a workout in but I have a mental block when it comes to anything before 5
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I go to bed at 10 and we wake between 6-6:30 since that's when DD typically wakes. DH will get out of bed first and make her milk and then he goes and does his own stuff for a while. I change DD and go down with her to drink milk, play. Then DH preps and feeds her breakfast while I get ready for work. I'm usually out the door by 8:10-8:20. On the days DD has daycare DH drops her off at 9am. Otherwise he's either with her all day, or till my mom comes.
I know I have it pretty good since DH's a constant help except for rare days when he needs to leave early for meetings and what not and then I'd just solo it.
pear / 1718 posts
5:00 Wake (or just before 5, depending on the day)
5:00-6:30 Workout/ shower/ hair and makeup
6:40 Get LO up, dressed, fed, and ready for school
7:10 DH takes LO to school (Unless he's travelling)
7:15 Finish getting ready; Get dressed; Pack lunch (if not done already)
7:40 Leave for Work
8:00 Work
pear / 1718 posts
@JoJoGirl: I agree. My best chance for getting a workout in is in the morning before the day gets shot to hell with work surprises and last-minute errands. Otherwise, after work, pickup, dinner, bath, and bed, I am just too tired. I will (squeeze a workout in at night) when I absolutely have to, but I much prefer to get it done in the morning even though I HATE waking up that early . . . but I am never sorry that I did!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
I go to bed around 10 and wake up at 7:30/8:00, whenever my LOs wake up. Occasionally dd2 wakes up for a bottle at 5am, otherwise she STTN. The joys of mat leave
when I'm back at work in the fall and have to do drop off , I will wake up around 6:30.
coconut / 8472 posts
Before DS started coming in our room early and shooting my morning to hell, this is what it looked like...
7:15 - Get up and shower
7:45/8 - Get DS up, both of us eat breakfast, get him dressed
8:30 - Leave, drop DS off at daycare
9/9:15 - Arrive at work
At night we usually go to our room around 8:30 and watch a tv show. Then we read a bit and go to bed between 9:30 and 10.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I have a toddler as my alarm clock so my wake up time varies by day She usually wakes between 6:30-6:45, and we're out the door by about 7:30-7:45. I get to work by 8:30 after dropping her off.
I usually go to sleep by 10.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
I go to bed around 10:00 (but read or play on my iPad for an hour or more before falling asleep) and then am up for the day at either 7:45 on school mornings (3x a week) or about 8:30 on non-school mornings. I SAH and am blessed with amazing #3 better follow suit or I am in trouble! I am not an early riser by nature!
pear / 1837 posts
Try to be asleep by 10 at night.
5:30 wake up
5:30 - 7 kids wake, breakfast, shower, etc.
7 leave for daycare
7:30 drop off
7:45 work
Currently only dropping 4 month old off at daycare, DH does 3 year old.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I go to bed around eleven and get up between 7:30-8:30. Earlier on school days, later on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The girls get up with me. I'm at home with them.
On school days we're up at 7:30ish. Breakfast, nursing DD3, then getting DD1 dressed. She and I dash to school for 8:30 while DD3 snoozes in her swing and DD2 and DH get ready. He leaves when I get back 8:45ish.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Ree723: jinx! DD3 is as good as her sisters, there's hope for you!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Go to bed around 11/midnight and up at 7/730 to nurse ds2, but we usually don't start the day until 8/830.
Except for my office day when I get up at 630!
apricot / 394 posts
@travellingbee: Can you believe how fast our maternity leaves flew by?? I've been back a week so far. It was super hard leaving my baby boy to head back again. So far the mornings have been hectic, but we've all gotten out the door okay!
I'm asleep by 830-9pm since DS is still waking 2-3x a night to feed. I've been showering at NIGHT which has helped. I also lay out everyone's clothes the night before, pack bottles, backpacks, etc. Mornings have looked like this:
6:00 wake up, makeup, get myself dressed
6:30 DD usually gets up and strolls into our room. I get her dressed and ready for the day
6:45 DS is up. Nurse him and change him for the day
7:00-7:30 We all head downstairs. Feed DD breakfast, make coffee, put DS in the swing for a bit, finish packing up everything for the day.
7:30 DH loads up the car, drops me at the train, DD at pre-school and DS at daycare for the day.
Wishing you luck this week!!!
pear / 1586 posts
DH does drop-off/hand-off with our nanny (at our house every other month), but here's my nighttime/wake-up routine.
the night before, I pack DS lunch/DS bag if at other house, shower, try to pick out my outfit (biggest time-saver for me, honestly). I generally go to bed between 10-11pm.
then morning routine is:
6:30a - wakeup, do makeup/hair (just quick run of straightener over weird spots - shower at night so I never have to blowdry)
7:05-7:15a - pack my breakfast and lunch
7:15/7:20-8a - drive to work (I eat breakfast in the car)
DH does mornings entirely and on a good day, his schedule is:
6:30a - wakeup, shower/shave, get entirely ready except getting dressed
7a - DS generally wakes up so DH changes him, makes both of them breakfast, they eat, feed the dog, etc.
7:30a - get DS dressed, walk dog together
8a - DH gets dressed and preps to hand off to nanny or drop off at other house (nanny arrives around 8:15). he has a shorter commute so he's generally to work by 8:45 at the latest. on days when DS wakes up early, DH generally just lets him roam around our bedroom/bathroom while he showers, etc.
persimmon / 1420 posts
6:15- wake up, shower, hair, makeup
6:40- get kids up
7:00- out the door
7:45- drop off
7:50- at work
grapefruit / 4187 posts
During the week I wake up at 6am and am in bed by 10pm. On weekends I get in bed by 11 because I know DS will be up at 7.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
On days DH does drop off, I'm usually in bed by 11pm and up at 7am. I shower the night before and lay out my clothes so I'm dressed and pouring coffee in a few minutes. I usually heat up DS' breakfast and let it cool on the counter and pack my lunch and am out the door by 730am and start work at 8am. DH will get DS up by 730am unless he's up earlier (in which case I see him for a few minutes and get him settled into breakfast before I leave). DH and DS have breakfast together and he's usually at daycare by 830am and DH starts working in his home office around 9am.
On days I do drop off, I start work at 830am. I get up at 645am and get DS up at 7am. We eat breakfast and I am out the door hopefully by 730am, at daycare by 8am, and at work by 830am.
Our daycare is 20 minutes from our house and another 20 minutes from my work, so that adds to the time. Obviously it's different if your daycare is closer or actually on the way to work.
pomegranate / 3706 posts
I go to bed sometime between midnight at 3 AM, and wake up at 6:15 on school days, and DH gets up with the girls at 5:30/6 and lets me sleep until 7:30/8 on no school days. Next year there will be no, no school days
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Used to be 10-6:30.... now it will be 9 if I am lucky, to 5, with 1-2 night feeds in there.
pomelo / 5791 posts
My first alarm goes off at 4:50am. Then another at 4:55am.
I don't do drop off (my mom watches the boys at our house) though. Dh drives me to work, and I'm at my desk by 5:55am. I'm normally asleep by 11pm.
honeydew / 7463 posts
7:30, but I SAH.
My husband does the first hour of our sons wake time because he works and sometimes doesn't see him in the evening. So I sleep till 7:30 when he has to start getting ready for work.
Every night except for illness I go to bed around 11, give or take a half hour.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I wake whenever the toddler wakes up which is between 6-630. I WFH most days so I don't have to be up before him except maybe once a week. I shower at night though so try to get ready with him awake. The 4yo sleeps til 7ish.
cherry / 178 posts
I get up around 4:45, but that's because it's the only time I can run/workout! So I get up then, I'm out the door around 5, then in the shower by 6. I get my daughter up around 7 and we leave for daycare at 7:30.
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