Ok, so I have been half heartedly trying to potty train my daughter who will be three in March. We started with the naked weekend, but I only made it about 24 hours. She was getting the idea, but wasn't upset if she peed in her panties (she was too excited about wearing panties to be completely naked). Fastforward some time, she randomly decides she wants to pee in the potty, so we let her. About three hours later, she asks for a diaper. Not to poop in, but just to pee in. Fastforward some more time, this weekend, she was starting to get a diaper rash last night, so I had her go naked. She was able to pee in the potty last night and this morning. But, at about 12 she asked for a diaper again. So, I just figured she wasn't ready. She wore a diaper for the rest of today, but right before bed she goes "mommy, marshmallow?" And I said that is only if she goes pee pee in the potty, well she said she had to go. So we went into the bathroom, took of her DIAPER, and she peed.

What do I do? She clearly gets it, but will beg for a diaper as the day progresses. Do I force her to just be diaper free? I don't want to force her to potty train too early which is mostly selfish reason, because I have a 9 month old to chase around too and can't clean up messes all day.
