My toddler came down with a stomach virus today - despite being sick he seemed to have boundless energy and spent the day running around the house puking on everything. At least a dozen different spots on area rugs, couch, through a sheet and mattress protector. DH spent the better part of the day chasing him around trying to get him to puke in a bowl or bag 😂, and I spent the day, literally hours, scrubbing puke: tried carpet cleaner (folex), water, general purpose cleaner, upholstery cleaner, etc... But I still feel grossed out and like it's not as clean as I would like from hand scrubbing, How do I get this all to come really clean? Do I need to rent or buy some kind of carpet shampooer? Scrub with something else?

I'm sorry, it's gross. But would love tips from anyone who's dealt with a house covered in toddler (or pet) puke - this is a first and I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. I swear the proudest day of my parenting life will be when my kids are finally old enough to puke in the toilet!