Hellobee Boards


What would you do if you found your nanny....

  1. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    My friend just caught her nanny lying about something else (damaging her car) and fired her on the spot. I don't blame her, you just can't let someone watch your LO who lies to you. Also, my coworker saw her nanny napping on her security camera and fired her for that. I think it's inexcusable to sleep on the job as a nanny, evenduring nap time.

  2. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    I would fire her on the spot. Especially if there are other issues. But if I take my eyeballs off my 2yo for 2 minutes, she is doing something she shouldn't - usually dangerous!!! So a dozing nanny won't work.

    We are putting nanny cams in and if I saw it on camera, I'd fire the nanny. I can't believe you busted her on the spot and she tried to get out of it!!!!


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