DD will be turning 5 soon and the introducing a foreign language is something I'm interested in doing. I'm looking for a language that can possibly give DD a future advantage.

I found this post that mentions a few languages to learn for our changing future. It lists:

  1. Mandarin (over 900 million speakers) - China’s economic growth and potential means that learning Mandarin is a definite advantage.
  2. Russian (300 million speakers)- Russia is the top world producer of oil, timber, diamonds, gold, and natural gas.
  3. Arabic (223 million speakers)- Six Arabic nations are in the top 50 UK export markets.
  4. Spanish (329 million speakers globally, and spoken by 12% of USA citizens)- There’s lots of job opportunities for Spanish speakers.
  5. Portuguese ( 240 million speakers)- Brazil’s economic growth together with 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games make this language an obvious future choice.

What practical language are you thinking about introducing to your LO? Does it align with the predicted economic growth of the country?
