One of my fave features on blogs and in magazines are the "What's In My Bag" pics! Inspired by "diaperbagaholic", @Mrs. Wagon's blog post, I thought it'd be fun to take a PEEK in each other's diaper bags!

Here's mine. I'm admittedly a bit obsessed with wipes. Diaper wipes, face wipes, hand wipes, chew toy wipes... DD is 6 months old.

Show me your contents! Oh! And age(s) of your LO(s)

ETA: Contents description

Nursing cover, blanket, wipes, Aquaphor, changing pad, sunscreen, Itzy Ritzy wet bag, change of clothes, Robeez, extra bib, sunhat, wristlet with a few mom essentials, wallet, extra "cards" wallet, Chewbeads, reusable bag, diapers.