Hellobee Boards


What's your current BC method?

  1. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @dolphin: @theotherstark: @winniebee: yay, good luck!

    Pregnancy for me, too!

  2. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    Mirena. I feel like I've tried every type of BC method out there, and mirena is by far my favorite.

  3. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Condoms. DH will get snipped someday.

  4. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    pregnancy. after this, probably NFP and condoms until we decide we are done having kids.

  5. Beyond2

    pear / 1517 posts

    Pregnancy. After that it will be breastfeeding and NFP.

  6. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    Nothing....I am exclusively breastfeeding but that hasn't prevented my period from coming back. I would like to wait until the fall before getting preggers again, but I don't think we will be doing any kind of birth control before then.

  7. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    Mirena, there was a bit of an adjustment period for me, after that first 3 months I've really loved it. After #2, DH will be snipped I think.

  8. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Pre-pregnancy: Ladycomp (https://www.lady-comp.com)

    now: pregnancy

    post pregnancy: copper iud maybe (but it makes me nervous) or maybe just condoms until our LO is sleeping regularly enough to use the Ladycomp again.

  9. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    I had my mirena removed recently (I loved it though) and we are just starting to TTC #2. Makes me nervous just to say that!

  10. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts


  11. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    Abstinence. Poor DH. Breastfeeding does a toll on my hormones.

  12. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts


  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Can I be the reason Mirena scares you? haha.

    I am getting fat preggo enough these days that I am debating taking a bare belly pic to show how big the scar is from my Mirena removal surgery.

    To answer OP. Between #1 and #2 it was a migrated Mirena for bc, currently pregnant, so after #2 I will likely use Depo Provera (was on it for 9 years prior to #1)

  14. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Beebug: omg, yes, I remember your thread. I think that was the first time I'd heard of that and it was right after I had mine placed. I cannot wait to get this thing out of me!

  15. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    Nothing. We're TTC. Although I don't have my cycles back yet. Hoping that I'll just go right into a pregnancy

  16. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    Pregnant right now but I'm considering mirena until DH gets snipped.

  17. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    Nothing. Since we had IVF for LO#1, I'd be thrilled to be pregnant by accident!! Probably won't need anything after we have *fingers crossed* LO#2. I'm not interested in ever going on the pill again.

  18. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts


  19. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Nothing, we are TTC.

  20. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    The pill. Yasmin to be exact. Although, I'd like to be using nothing and TTC. lol


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