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When did your EBF baby STTN?

  • poll: When did you EBF baby STTN? (Multiple votes for multiple children!)
    Months 1-3. I also have a pet unicorn. : (15 votes)
    17 %
    Months 4-6 : (9 votes)
    10 %
    Months 7-9 : (16 votes)
    18 %
    Months 10-12 : (19 votes)
    22 %
    Months....I need a nap : (28 votes)
    32 %
  1. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    I was blessed with 2 unicorns. #1 started at 10 weeks and #2 at 16 ( so I voted 4-6 months, just barely.) However, my toddler now wakes up every night ( this is a new thing.) We think it's nightmares but we don't know for sure.

  2. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    Regularly at 9 mo when we dropped to one one nap.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Portboston: LOL! Mooooost nights after like 6 months it was just once a night to eat. But the kicker was he was always up for the day early on top of that. Like 530 or 6! And to think we've decided to do this a third time....

  4. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Portboston: Mine dropped the 5am feed around 9 months when I was home over Christmas break and we upped her solids. She only started sleeping through 8pm to 6:30 or 7am around 10.5 months. We were still dealing with lots of 5am wakes ups and I read somewhere (maybe on Preciouslittlesleep) that some babies wake early in the morning looking for comfort becaus that is a very light sleep phase. I had to switch up our bedtime routine to be book, nursing, pjs, song and then sleep because before nursing was the last thing before sleeping and even though she was awake when we put her in the crib she was waking early in the morning.

  5. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @youboots: one nap at 9m?! That's impressive!!!

    @winniebee: once a night is manageable. I could totally deal with once a night. And my guy gets up pretty early too. Between 6-7. If he went to bed closer to 7, I just leave him in his crib until 7 and he'll usually fall asleep again for a little bit.

    I guess the consensus for most babes is weaning = STTN. Damn boobs. Why are you so addictive?!? I want to wean at 12 months but I have a feeling my dude will want to go past that. He is a huge comfort nurser. Maybe I should tell him I'll nurse him as long as he wants if he starts STTN. that might work 😜😂😭😭😭

  6. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @mrswin: yes! I recently changed our routine too. Nursing was at the end and is now at the beginning. He seemingly developed object permanence over night and was waking every 3 hours. I was loosing my mind. He's much better now that I'm not nursing him to "almost asleep".

  7. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    @Portboston: is that something people strive for? It happened one day on a fluke, she STTN and we never looked back.

  8. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @youboots: I don't think so but my dude wouldn't make it with only one nap. I'd much prefer one long nap over two hour-ish naps though. Makes making plans a lot tougher!

  9. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    10 weeks for 6pm to 7am. I was dying for the first couple of days that he skipped the 4 am feeding, almost wanted to wake him at 6am so that I would stop hurting.

  10. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Portboston: How much is he eating during the day? How much does he weigh now?

    ETA: there are some big leaps and developmental changes between 7 and 10 months so you may not get a consistent patter until after that.

  11. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @mrswin: he's about 20ish lbs right now and eats every ~2 hours during the day. Sometimes a bit longer if we're out and about. I've tried feeding him more often & less often and neither seemed to make a difference in his night sleep.

    Eta- I do think he is waking to eat. He seems to take a full feed and immediately go back to sleep. He doesn't try to play at all and refuses to go back to sleep unless I feed him.

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Portboston: it baffled me because he did not nurse to sleep. Nursed him wiiiide awake before bed. Even when we were just down to once before bed, he woke for it. And even a few weeks after we weaned he woke for a bottle! Then decided not worth it.

  13. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @winniebee: those boys love the boob!

  14. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Portboston: well at least he isn't treating it like play time! It may be that he just needs the food right now, I'm sure he will eventually drop it on his own.

  15. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @mrswin: absolutely. I know it could be way worse! I'm hoping he drops it soon though. Or maybe goes down to one. That would make this mama happy!

  16. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    LO is 12 months and is still waking once sometimes twice a night. She slept pretty well until the 4 month sleep regression hit and then we had about 7 months of 5-6 wake-ups many nights (plus I went back to work and have to get up by 5:30 am every day). So this mama understands your fatigue!

    We finally did some sleep training so now I am thrilled with just once most nights. Plus she is a tiny tot so I do not want to not feed her if she's just getting up once or twice. No plans to wean so we'll see what happens!

  17. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    DS started sstt at 8 months but we did some rough CIO to get there because I was sick of the night snacking (and I could tell it was snacking). I tried to weaning him off (cutting down by minutes so I didn't have to pump), but eventually we just had to pull the plug.

    You could try feeding him less frequently during the day to make sure he's getting full feedings and not just snacking all day, then filling up at night.

  18. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    22 months for #1 (and that was the very first time ever) and 15 months for #2. Still nursing 3+ times overnight with #3 who is 6 months old.

    I haven't slept in 4 years.

  19. hony bologna

    cherry / 126 posts

    16 months, sleeps from around 8pm-5.30am (but she has very low sleep needs).

  20. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Still up 3-5x/night here at 10mos.

  21. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @brownepiano: maybe I'll try that. I've got nothing to loose!

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: You poor poor thing. I hope for Mother's Day you get a night in a hotel alone! (That's always been my wish for when I became a mom! Ha!)

    @lilyofthewest: 😟

  22. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    DS was 11m when he suddenly started STTN.
    DD slept through the night from months 2.5-4/5 and then quit until she was a year old.

  23. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @Portboston: if he's used to eating more often he might not be too happy about it, but it made a big difference for a friend of mine who was having a similar problem. At that point my DS was nursing every 4 hours, as well as eating solids 3 times a day (but we did BLW so I'm not sure how much he was getting)

  24. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: serious question: do you have a good under-eye concealer? I'm thinking a quality one could really help me out these days.

  25. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    Same as @oliviaoblivia: D was truly STTN by 10 or 11 weeks, albeit with occasional periods of disruption due to illness, growth spurt, whatever. A is 4 weeks old and waking up once around 3 or 4 for a quick feed and goes back down till 7:30 or 8.

  26. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    We sleep-trained at 5.5 months, then night-weaned around 6.5-7ish months and then he STTN with no wake-ups.

  27. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    My DD is 9 months, and I'm still waiting for her to STTN......

  28. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Happygal: I kid you not, I am an undereye concealer junkie! I have the worst ones--and SO much worse since having kids!

    The best conbo I have found is:

    Smashbox High definition concealer
    and then Bare Minerals "well-rested for eyes" dusted under and over my eyes with a fairly fluffy eyeshadow brush. It really brightens them up!


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